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What is Buccal Fat Removal (Bichectomy or Cheek Reduction Surgery) Surgery?

Buccal Fat Removal, one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures for both men and women in recent years, is a procedure that allows people to have thinner and sharper facial features. Bichectomy, also known as cheek reduction surgery, involves the surgical removal of some of the fat in the cheek area to make the face look younger and more attractive. This procedure, also known as a youth triangle, allows the person to have a face with an inverted triangle between the cheekbones and chin.

How is a bichectomy performed?

A medical examination is absolutely necessary before a cheek reduction surgery. If the person’s facial structure is suitable for this operation, the patient will be informed of the procedures to be carried out during the operation.

Bichectomy is a procedure that can be performed under local anaesthesia and results in the removal of fat deposits between the chewing muscles. Cleaning the patient’s mouth before the operation is very important to prevent any complications. Once all the preparations have been made, the operation begins. During the operation, a small incision is made through the patient’s mouth and 40% of the fat is removed with forceps. Once the fat sacs have been removed, the procedure is completed with stitches. The procedure takes about 30-50 minutes and the patient is discharged the same day.

If you would like to have a bichectomy, you can get information from the doctors at Üsküdar Private Hürrem Sultan Hospital and start your surgery process safely.

Who can have Bichectomy Surgery?

Any man or woman who is unhappy with their facial features, is over the age of 18, and has no obstacles to undergo to the surgery can have a bichectomy. Although it is not necessary to be over 18 to have this surgery, the age range recommended by doctors is 25-45. As the facial features and cheek shape are fully developed after the age of 25, it is useful to consider this age range for a healthy appearance.

In addition, a cheek lift can be performed on people who have excess fat tissue on their cheeks, whose facial features are not visible, who are overweight, and who have thick facial features. This operation can be applied to both men and women. However, as there is less fat tissue in the male cheek than in the female, fat tissue is removed under appropriate conditions.

Cheek reduction surgery can be performed on any healthy person, but it cannot be performed on some people. It is not recommended for people with excessive weight problems and obesity. In addition, bichectomy cannot be performed on people whose faces are too thin.

What should be considered before Bichectomy Surgery?

Although cheek reduction surgery is a simple operation carried out under local anaesthetic, there are a number of things to consider before the operation. These are as follows:

  • Alcohol and smoking should be stopped one week before the operation.
  • If the patient is taking aspirin or blood thinners, these should be stopped before the operation.
  • As various tests will be carried out before the operation, the patient should not eat for 12 hours before the operation.
  • Any medication you take regularly should be discussed with your doctor before the operation.
  • Pregnant women and people with serious health problems should discuss this information with their doctor and find out if they can have the operation.

What should be considered after Bichectomy Surgery?

Although bichectomy surgery can produce different results in different people, most people recover within 14 days. However, there are issues that the patient should be aware of after surgery. These are as follows:

  • Soft foods should be eaten for 3 days after the operation. The patient should avoid hard to chew foods.
  • Mouthwash should not be used for 3 days after the surgery and attention should be paid to oral hygiene.
  • The patient is advised to drink cold beverages instead of hot ones to prevent possible bleeding.
  • It is recommended to avoid heavy and physical activities for the first 5 days.

As the bichectomy does not require hospitalisation, the patient can return to normal life immediately after the operation. As the operation is carried out through the cheek and does not leave any scarring, it does not appear as if an operation has been performed.

To prevent infection, the patient should regularly use antibiotics and oral hygiene products prescribed by the doctor. After the operation, it may take some time for the patient’s face to take its final shape. However, if the instructions given by the doctor are followed, the face will be fully reshaped within 3 months at the earliest and 6 months at the latest.

What are the benefits of Cheek Reduction Surgery?

Bichectomy surgery, which is preferred by people who are unhappy with their facial features, has many advantages over other surgeries. To name a few;

  • It allows people with round, square, chubby or swollen facial structures to achieve results that make them feel happier in the mirror.
  • As the operation is performed through the mouth, there are no visible scars.
  • The patient has a thin, sharp, attractive and young facial structure after the operation.
  • The procedure is quick and the patient can return to normal life the same day.
  • As general anaesthesia is not used, the patient does not feel nauseous.
  • As the fatty tissue is removed from the inside of the cheek, the face does not return to its former state.
  • The fact that the healing process is fast after the operation allows the patient to easily achieve the desired result.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bichectomy Surgery

Procedures such as rhinoplasty, chin Botox and prominent ear surgery can be performed in the same session with the bichectomy operation. This ensures that a more uniform facial shape is achieved in a single operation.

The bichectomy is performed under local anaesthetic. Therefore, there is no pain.

Since the fat tissue is removed in the bichectomy procedure, it is a permanent procedure.

Bichectomy does not cause sagging because the fat is removed from the cheek and the facial area is restored.

Although it varies from person to person, an average of 2-3 cc of fat is removed from each cheek.

As with any surgery, there will be swelling after a facelift. However, the shape of the face will settle within 2-3 weeks.

Duration: 2 min. only
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