Otoplasti Nedir?

What is Otoplasty?

Otoplasty is the surgical procedure to make the ear look more aesthetically pleasing within the normal range, after assessing the person’s overall facial structure. Otoplasty, also known as prominent ear or ear aesthetics, is the safest surgical procedure to use in cases of both prominent and large ears that manifest themselves from childhood. Under normal conditions, the ear structure is 6.5 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. Proportionally, the angle between the ear and the region of the head is 30 degrees.  If these values, which are established and accepted as normal, are exceeded, the ear is said to be prominent.

Why do prominent ears occur?

The main reason for prominent ears is underdevelopment of the cartilage. If the cartilage does not develop, the angle that should be between the skull and the ear becomes wider than normal, causing the protruding part of the ear to bend forward. This curvature can lead to a bulging or large ear, which can cause aesthetic problems. Another cause is overdevelopment of a structure called the conchal cartilage in the auricle. These can be present separately or both together. These reasons are the main factors that lead a patient to undergo a procedure called otoplasty. The aim of otoplasty is to remove aesthetic concerns by bringing this appearance within normal limits.

Who can have an Otoplasty?

After an examination by a physician, otoplasty can be performed on almost all patients who are generally unhappy with the shape of their ears and who have large or prominent ears. It is only performed in patients at or above the age when the ears have reached their full size (growth is complete). This is usually set at 5-6 years of age.

When is an Otoplasty performed?

Since otoplasty is a procedure to achieve the desired appearance and aesthetics of the ear, it can be performed at any age after ear development is complete. Dissatisfaction with the shape of the ear can begin in childhood and progress into adulthood, causing some psychological problems, loss of self-confidence and obsession. This is why it is recommended to perform this operation in childhood. This operation can prevent possible aesthetic and psychological problems in the future.

What should be considered before Otoplasty?

First of all, just like all other surgical procedures, otoplasty should be performed by professionals (specialised physicians). The comments, opinions and determinations of non-professional people should not be taken into consideration. Otherwise, it is inevitable to face risk factors such as failure to achieve the desired appearance and satisfaction after surgery and the development of complications after the procedure.  The things to be considered before otoplasty are as follows:

– In some patient groups, one ear may have a prominent appearance while the other ear may not have any proportional problem. In such cases, the evaluation of whether to intervene in both ears should be done in detail.

-Information such as the patient’s past surgeries, medications used in the past and still being used, chronic diseases, allergic status should be shared with the physician before the otoplasty procedure.

– If there are blood thinners, herbal teas, injections used, this situation should be shared with the physician and the use should be stopped one week before the operation date.

– Bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol affect the oxygen level in the blood and can affect the operation as well. They should be stopped at least two to three weeks before the scheduled date of the operation.

– It is important to rest the day before the operation and to arrive punctually.

How is Otoplasty performed?

Since otoplasty can be performed on anyone from the average age of 5-6 years to children and adults, there are differences in the type of anaesthetic used. While general anaesthesia is always used for young children, methods such as local anaesthesia or sedation are recommended for older patients. There are many approaches and techniques to ear surgery. The method used depends on the patient’s specific situation.

If the patient has large ears, otoplasty is performed to reduce the size of the ear. For patients with prominent ears, prominent ear operation is used. If the patient has large earlobes, reduction surgery for the earlobes is performed. An incision is made behind the ear and the cartilage is brought into the desired shape. The incision is closed with stitches and the operation is finished.

What should be considered after Otoplasty?

Otoplasty is a comfortable procedure with a low complication rate, high effectiveness and satisfaction, and it can eliminate aesthetic dissatisfaction.  If the recommendations of the specialist are followed, the healing process is often uninterrupted. However, there are some details to consider after surgery. These are listed below:

– The post-operative dressings are opened 2-3 days after discharge and the condition of the ear is assessed.

-There may be a tendency for the cartilage to return to its previous state but this tendency is prevented by stitches. Therefore, it is recommended that a headband is worn day and night for a week, and only at night for the next few weeks. Wearing a headband reduces this stress and helps the cartilage to get used to its new position.

-Numbness in the ears is an expected condition during the recovery process after otoplasty surgery.

-Children can return to school and adults to daily activities within 1 week. It is recommended to avoid physical activities for an average of 2 weeks and contact sports for an average of 2 months.

There are often scheduled follow-up appointments after surgery. These appointments should be attended on time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Otoplasty

After the healing period following otoplasty, there is no extreme appearance from the outside, and there is no scar. Therefore, it can be said that it is not noticeable.

Although you can return to your daily routine immediately, except for heavy physical activity, it takes an average of 3-4 weeks for the ear to take its shape.

It takes 1-1.5 hours on average. However, if the person has an additional problem (such as both a prominent ear and a large ear), the duration of the operation will vary depending on the procedure performed.

Because otoplasty is a type of surgery that does not damage the eardrum and only treats the cartilage, it has no negative effect on hearing.

When otoplasty is performed with surgery, it is impossible for the ears to return to their previous state. Although it is an operation with a very low revision requirement rate, even if the ear grows or becomes asymmetrical for some other reason in the future, it will not return to its original state. It is a permanent procedure.

It is recommended not to remove the hair band except for bandaging. The patient should wear it for at least 2 weeks.

The patient should not lie on the ear for the first week after the operation. From the second week the patient can sleep on the ear with a soft pillow.

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